Category: Fitness

Plantar Fasciitis: What It Is and Best Stretches to Ease Pain

Plantar Fasciitis: What It Is and Best Stretches to Ease Pain

Plantar fasciitis can happen in a snap. You get out of bed one morning, and the minute you set one heel down on the floor, it starts throbbing. You did a tough workout the day before and had some heel pain but nothing serious. Weird, right? Plantar fasciitis is actually the most common cause of […]

Is It Better to Do Cardio or Strength Training First?

Is It Better to Do Cardio or Strength Training First?

By now you know if you want to build a lean, fit body, you can’t stick to the treadmill or elliptical alone. It takes some heavy lifting to get that strong and chiseled physique. In fact, even if you want to be a better runner, you still need to incorporate strength training into your routine. […]

The Best Workouts for Reducing Body Fat

The Best Workouts for Reducing Body Fat

When it comes to people’s top goals for improving body composition, fat loss often takes the cake. But we can’t talk about how to lower body fat percentage without touching on how to drop pounds in general. That’s because you can’t necessarily target fat loss in one specific area — say, just your arms or […]

The Inner Thigh Workout You Can Do with Gliders

The Inner Thigh Workout You Can Do with Gliders

Forget the thigh gap or even worrying about the size and shape of your legs. It’s strengthening your thighs that really matters. Strong inner thighs — or adductors — help improve core control (they do help make up the five muscles that attach to the pelvis, after all!) and assist in injury prevention. Thanks to […]

Should You Eat Carbs After an Evening Run?

Should You Eat Carbs After an Evening Run?

Carbs…good or bad? Simple or complex? Learn all about this macronutrient and its importance for runners. And, we’ll even tell you exactly how much you should be having. The post Should You Eat Carbs After an Evening Run? appeared first on Runtastic Blog.